The UAS selected for analysis is the Altura Zenith ATX8,
developed by Aerialtronics. It is a
rotorcraft UAS designed to be lightweight in order to support extended flight
duration applications. It has a carbon
fiber structure and 8 motors with 16 inch propellers. The UAS has a flight time of 35 minutes,
which supports its intended design to capture aerial imagery, high voltage
inspections, search and rescue, and surveillance applications. The UAS is delivered with a Radio Frequency
(RF) handheld GCS, which is equipped with a conventional 1920 x 1080 screen,
which can be augmented with a 7-inch tablet.
The handheld control unit is modelled after the ones commonly
utilized for remote controlled aircraft.
It is equipped with two main joysticks, one for motor power and another
to control pitch, roll, and yaw. Both
joysticks are supplemented by fine adjustment potentiometers for accuracy. There are 14 additional toggle switchers that
can be programmed for different functions, including return to home. Handling of the GCS is supported by a handle
on each side of the unit. RF
transmission and reception is enabled by six antennas. The main screen of the GCS is supplemented by
a 7-inch tablet. The tablet is connected
to the right side of the main screen by a metal brace. The intended purpose of the tablet is for
flight planning utilizing an application provided by Aerialtronics. The UAS supports an additional controller for
imagery applications. A secondary unit
can be linked to the system in order to control the gimbal and the camera
system. This supports safe operation of
the UAS, while enabling accurate control of the imagery system.
While the airframe has an impressive design, the GCS has human
factor related shortcomings. The first
is the combination of a conventional screen and a touch screen (tablet). This can cause confusion on the operator when
telemetry data is shown on the conventional one. In addition, the positon of the tablet to the
right of the screen can distract the operator.
This would be critical for Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) operations when
the video displayed on the screen can alert the operator of a possible
threat. In addition to the possibility
of distraction, there is also the additional effort needed to handle a control
system whose weight is unbalanced. The
weight of the tablet on the right hand side can make lone term operation of the
UAS difficult and might result in mistakes from the operator.
Possible solutions to the human factors issues include a
redesign of the display architecture.
Both screens can be combined into a larger one, which will result in a
weight reduction by not including the weight of the tablet bezel, battery, and
CPU; the battery and CPU can be integrated within the main control
enclosure. The information displayed in
the tablet can be fused with the main display to ensure the operator can always
see the video captured during BLOS operations.
The redesign of the GCS would include rows of Active-Matrix Organic
Light Emitting Diode (AMOLED) strips that would replace the majority of the
toggle switches. These display strips,
turned into controls, provide great sunlight readability and offer wide viewing
angles (US Micro Products, 2016) . Not all toggle switches would be eliminated,
as two would be needed for critical functions including return to home and
gimbal power.
A common human factor between the UAS and manned aircraft is the
display architecture. Manned aircraft
can be equipped with an overwhelming quantity of displays that can result in a
significant cognitive load on a pilot.
Incorporating large multi-function displays can provide relief, by
utilizing information fusion and creating situation specific “scenes”. Displays could provide sets of information
for takeoff and landing, while providing different information while during
cruise flight. A human factors centric
design for UAS GCS will drive operator efficiency while reducing cognitive load
at the same time.
Aerialtronics. (2016). Altura Zenith.
Retrieved from http://www.
US Micro Products. (2016). AMOLED. Retrieved
from US Micro Products: http://www.
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